Our Journey

The Ultrasound Didactic MasterClass is an initiative of the PMC Network, a division of Chase Advancement Services, Inc. The PMC Network provides continued education for pro-life women's health care clinics through operating a membership website, leadership coaching, and board governance training.

Our team members are forward-thinking catalysts who fight against groupthink, and the status quo within the pregnancy help organization movement. We believe that leaders should always be questioning why they are doing things the way they are and how they can improve. So, one day while teaching an onsite ultrasound training, we asked ourselves how we could make the course more affordable while not compromising quality education.

Of the many options, we considered an online didactic course made the most sense when we tallied up all the benefits it offers, but we knew it had to be done perfectly. So, we spent over a year developing, recording, and publishing our online Ultrasound Didactic MasterClass using and improving the same materials we used for our onsite ultrasound course.

While this course will always be evolving and getting better (new modules are already being written and produced), we are very proud of the initial outcomes of our efforts.

Our very best to you,

Beth Chase and Reneé Wooten